Welcome to the very best Ophthalmology discussion forum!
Here you can frankly discuss everything related to the wonderful world of being an Ophthalmologist. Whether you are a medical student aspiring to be an eye surgeon or a retired Ophthalmologist who wants to share your pearls of wisdom, this forum aims to benefit you.
Like all anonymous discussion forums on the internet, we only ask that you follow a few rules:
- Have fun! Upload a nice photo avatar to distinguish yourself. Post content that you feel your colleagues would find useful. This is your forum and we hope it will serve as a repository of useful information for future generations of eye surgeons.
- Please be courteous to your fellow forum users. We encourage lively discussions/debates, but please refrain from profanity or personal attacks. We reserve the right to ban anyone who is being abusive, using discriminatory language (e.g. racial or religious epithets), or is not contributing positively to our community.
- Don't get thrown in jail or sued. Just use your common sense and don't post anything illegal that could get you in trouble. Posting stuff like pornography or soliciting for drugs has no place on this forum. Keep it clean!
With that said, we hope you find this forum a valuable resource of information to complement your Ophthalmology training and career. Just like the rest of OphthoQuestions, we will continue to improve this forum so that it is the very best on the Internet.